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Ms Talia Johnson

Talia Johnson is a Jewish ritual and service leader, writer, poet, sensitivity editor, public speaker, workshop facilitator, educator, mentor, coach, and activist. She is a woman who is, in no particular order, an out queer autistic lesbian trans woman. Talia is Vice Chair of the Heartspark Press Board of Directors, part of the leadership team of Autistics for Autistics Ontario, and is active in two Jewish communities in Toronto, Matanot Lev and Danforth Jewish Circle. She is co-editor of the Nothing Without Us anthology of Disability fiction to be released late-summer 2019.

Talia is currently studying with the Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute with ordination as a Kohenet Hebrew Priestess planned for August 9, 2019. Talia is the first, and so far only, trans woman in the Kohenet Hebrew Priestess program. Talia will be starting a Masters degree in Jewish Studies at Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California in September 2019. Her focus is on Judaism, queer/trans/LGBTQIA, and mental health. Her work in these areas bridges mental health, spirituality, and LGBTQIA+/queer/trans spaces, areas which are usually independent silos. She has been an activist in various ways for most of her life. Her first words were, apparently, “That’s not fair!”

If you would like to support Talia’s work and academic pursuits she has a Patreon, or you can Paypal.

Talia’s website is