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Transgender Day of Visibility Message

Today is the Transgender Day of Visibility. While I am enjoying the many online images of folks proudly and courageously sharing their stories, pictures, and identities, I am also painfully aware that there are still so many who dare not risk visibility—and others who rightly choose not to.

This pandemic will someday pass, but, unfortunately, the deep transphobia and trans hatred in so many communities will remain. I celebrate today and I deepen my commitment to fight for a time when we need not fear disgrace, disowning, or death just to be ourselves.

On this day and every day, please remember that you are not alone. Here are some opportunities through spiritually or energetically with others in our community. Please stay in touch!

Louis Mitchel
For the Transfaith Family




OtherWise Christian 2: Stories of ResistanceLaunch Party!

22 contributors, 8 sessions, over 3 days on the OtherWise Christian Facebook page.