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Mx. Yadi Martinez

Transfaith Board Member from 2018

Yadi Martinez is a bilingual Latinx gender non-conforming artist, Youth Minister, and Brite Divinity Seminary Student, born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. 

 Yadi serves as the LGBTQIA Unconscious Bias Awareness Facilitator with ten years of experience working with young people in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metropolitan area. Their work includes using the arts and networking skills to create community events and safe spaces. 

 Yadi is a certified facilitator in the Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum, which provides comprehensive sexuality education for young people.  Currently, Yadi serves the congregation of New Church, Chiesa Nuova, UCC in Dallas, Texas as their youth minister.

 Yadi has contributed to the Progressive Youth Ministry Blog that can be found on  Yadi is also a faith consultant for Spiritual   Yadi can also be found on 1st United Church of Christ Second Life, where they are a part of a virtual reality congregation.

Mx. Martinez brings a holistic view to faith and praxis that embraces deep connections to culture and encourages youthful joy!