Minister Bobbie Jean Baker
Memorial Award

The Minister Bobbie Jean Baker Memorial awards are given in loving memory of Minister Bobbie Jean Baker (1964-2014) and support the leadership of Transgender women of color. The inaugural application process launched in January 2019.

Trans women, non-binary and/or gender nonconforming assigned male at birth (AMAB) people of color, from all spiritual traditions are encouraged to apply.

Some priority will be given to Black Transgender women in Christian ministry, especially in the United Church of Christ and the Fellowship of Affirming Ministries where Minister Bobbie Jean served so faithfully. However, the awards are not restricted to those who identify as Black or practice Christianity.

The 2020 award cycle has been postponed because 2020 is weird. We plan to resume for a 2021 cycle. Awards may range from $100 to $1500 each, with at least one award in each category.

More about the Award Committee


Award Categories

Minister Bobbie Jean Baker was so many things! The awards are given in four categories (NEW category in 2021: Community-centered Entrepreneurship, with details to come). Applicants should apply in the one category that best matches their priorities.

Application will launch January 1, 2021

Application Deadline: March 1, 2021

Through Transfaith, we will be inaugurating an award that will be named in her memory, honoring her work, and testifying to the impact she has had on our lives in the transgender religious community nationally.
— Chris Paige, January 11, 2014


The Minister Bobbie Jean Baker Memorial Fund supports the Minister Bobbie Jean Baker Memorial Award and the leadership of Transgender women of color.