Mx. Ovid Amorson


Transfaith Board Member 2015-2017
Served as Secretary

Ovid Amorson Moves and allows himself to be Carried from one moment to the next via Love. He identifies in a number of ways including queer, trans, brown, Black, nonconforming, fluid, ethereal, creative, sensitive, spiritual and Awake. In addition to being a Mad Artist and an excellent Childcare Provider, Ovid is a native Philadelphian, a library card holder and user, a very unprofessional dancer, a mentor to and collaborator with various queer youth, and someone who has strong needs for Music, Circles, and Growing, Cooking, and Eating Fruits and Vegetables. Ovid spends a lot of time thinking about race, gender, class, sexuality, faith, and the intersections thereof. He believes in Love and he believes that restroom signs should picture toilets, not Humans.