Mx. Yahya Alazarak

Transfaith board member 2015-2018
Served as treasurer and board chair

Yahya is a second generation radical queer, the child of a very active trans muslim faith leader. Yahya's spiritual journey began in Sunni Islam; sojourned in Unitarian Universalism; and is now walking a path of Sufism, Radical Christianity, and Quakerism. Although they were a student of religion at Guilford College, their calling and passions lie in organizing for racial and economic justice. They currently work at Resource Generation as a National Organizer and Coordinator of POC Programs. Being a part of Transfaith allows Yahya to serve communities of faith and the trans community in ways that are close to their heart, but for now are not a part of their day-to-day organizing. Yahya brings with them a passion for organizational development and strategic planning.